Mary Brooksbank School

Independence and Acceptance

Telephone02 4628 4555

About our school

As the Principal of Mary Brooksbank School (MBS), I welcome you to our website and hope that you will enjoy the information offered.

MBS offers educational programs for students with special needs from Kindergarten through to Year 12. We are part of a network of services for students with special needs provided by the NSW Department of Education. MBS is part of the Camden Principals Network within the Regional South Operational Directorate.

Students attend MBS following an access request process and recommendations from a regional panel. All students have a moderate, severe or profound intellectual disability. Many of our students also have secondary physical, sensory or emotional disabilities. 

The school provides quality curriculum access with accommodations and adjustments for all students on an individualised basis. We implement K – 12 curriculums as students work towards the Record of School Achievement (ROSA) and Higher School Certificate (HSC).

The staff at MBS are passionate about serving the diverse community of South Western Sydney. Our school motto, Independence and Acceptance, underpins our goal to support students to develop into creative, confident, and accomplished young people. As a staff we do this by partnering with our students, their families, external service providers, the Campbelltown AECG and home schools to develop a culture of connection and high expectations that supports the achievement of personalised learning goals and the pursuit of personal and academic excellence.

MBS is staffed by professional, university-educated teachers who have outstanding skills in supporting the complex learning needs of our students. Each class is supported by a School Learning Support Officer (SLSO). The school buildings and grounds were specifically designed with the needs of students with disabilities in mind. Our school also has a heated hydrotherapy pool, a specifically built sensory room, play equipment and music room.

The MBS Parents and Citizens Association (MBS P&C) is an integral part of the MBS community. This dedicated group of people continue to work tirelessly to support staff to deliver quality learning experiences in the classroom. Their outstanding loyalty and advocacy of public education has contributed to the confidence of the local community in the school. The P&C can be contacted via

If you have any queries relating to our school, please contact our Administration Office on (02) 4628 4555 or by emailing


Mr. Kevin Thoms


Mary Brooksbank School